NOVAGO has existed in the field of processing waste since 1992 and it was known for 23 years as Zakład Usług Komunalnych USKOM Sp. z o.o. [Municipal Services USKOM limited liability company]
The name NOVAGO stands for: Nowoczesne Gospodarowanie Odpadami [Modern Processing of Waste]. The name directly refers to what the company deals with.
USKOM Mława was perceived as a local player – experienced, trustworthy and reliable yet local. Today the company has plants located in 4 provinces and it itself processes waste from 6 provinces and is planning its further dynamic development. The company needed a new name, which fully reflects its business model. The name which will feature all its advantages as well as huge potential and most importantly the name which will open up new possibilities and enable the company to strengthen its position in the country.
These are the factors, which were the main reason for the change of the name from USKOM to NOVAGO.
The company NOVAGO has a well-established, very strong market position, ambitious plans and most of all the key assets including the unique know-how, which additionally increases the competition chances in many areas. Above all, NOVAGO is an innovative company, which is implementing the most advanced technologies in processing waste and controlled exploitation of Renewable Sources of Energy to follow the primary objective: ZERO TOLERANCE TO WASTE.