On 9-10 March 2017, the 4th NOVAGO Conference was held for partners and collaborators entitled “USE OF WASTE FOR ENERGY PURPOSES AND CIRCULAR ECONOMY”. The organizers’ cooperation with scientists representing leading academic and research institutions, such as the Warsaw University of Technology, the Wrocław University of Life Sciences and the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, the Conference attracted a number of distinguished speakers recognized in the scientific community.
The event was divided into four sessions:
The first session was devoted to legal aspects of a circular economy, in which the speaker was Piotr Manczarski, Ph.D. Eng., from the Warsaw University of Technology who discussed the EU’s action plan for a circular economy in respect of the technology for municipal waste treatment.
The second session concerned the use of the potential contained in waste. The speaker was Prof. Tadeusz Pająk, Ph.D. Hab. Eng., from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków who discussed the energy potential contained in waste. Subsequently, the role of the cement industry in a circular economy was presented by Bożena Środa, Ph.D. Eng., representing the Association of Cement Manufacturers. Then, Katarzyna Godlewska, Ph.D. Eng., from the Association of Polish Papermakers presented the role of the paper industry in a circular economy. At the end of the second session, the floor was taken by Kazimierz Borkowski, Ph.D. Eng., Managing Director of the PlasticsEurope Polska Foundation, who discussed the role of plastics in a circular economy.
During the third session, the efficiency of selective collection in the domestic market was discussed. Challenges and barriers facing a circular economy were presented by Krzysztof Kawczyński, Director of the Polish Chamber of Commerce. Subsequently, Jakub Tyczkowski, CEO of Rekopol O.O.O. S.A. discussed the role of packaging recovery organization in closing up the supply chain loop.
In the last session, representatives of China Everbright International Limited, the owners of NOVAGO, presented their extensive experience in utilizing renewable energy.
Thanks to its rich substantive content, the fourth edition of the NOVAGO Conference devoted to the use of waste for energy purposes in a circular economy achieved significant success in broadening the industry horizons among its participants.